Bibliography: Religion and Sexuality in East Africa
Religion and the Politics of (Homo)sexuality in Africa (general)
Bompani, Barbara, and Caroline Valois, eds. 2018. Christian Citizens and the Moral Regeneration of the African State. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
Chitando, Ezra, and Adriaan van Klinken, eds. 2016. Christianity and Controversies over Homosexuality in Contemporary Africa. London and New York: Routledge.
Chitando, Ezra, and Nyambura Njoroge, eds. 2016. Abundant Life: The Churches and Sexuality. Geneva: WCC Publications.
van Klinken, Adriaan. 2016. “Christianity and Same-Sex Relations in Africa.” In The Routledge Companion to Christianity in Africa, edited by Elias K. Bongmba, 487–501. New York and London: Routledge.
van Klinken, Adriaan, and Ezra Chitando, eds. 2016. Public Religion and the Politics of Homosexuality in Africa. London and New York: Routledge.
van Klinken, Adriaan, and Ebenezer Obadare. 2018. “Christianity, Sexuality and Citizenship in Africa: Critical Intersections.” Citizenship Studies 22 (6): 557–68.
Bompani, Barbara. 2016. “‘For God and for My Country’: Pentecostal-Charismatic Churches and the Framing of a New Political Discourse in Uganda.” In Public Religion and the Politics of Homosexuality in Africa, edited by Adriaan van Klinken and Ezra Chitando, 19–34. London and New York: Routledge.
Bompani Barbara. 2017. “‘Good Christians, Good Citizens’. Pentecostal-charismatic Narratives of Citizenship, Public Action and National Belonging in Contemporary Uganda”, in B. Bompani & C. Valois (eds.), Christian Citizens and the Moral Regeneration of the African State. Routlege: London.
Sadgrove, Joanna, Robert M. Vanderbeck, Johan Andersson, Gill Valentine, and Kevin Ward. 2012. “Morality Plays and Money Matters: Towards a Situated Understanding of the Politics of Homosexuality in Uganda.” Journal of Modern African Studies 50 (1): 103–29.
Ward, Kevin. 2002. “Same-Sex Relations in Africa and the Debate on Homosexuality in East African Anglicism.” Anglican Theological Review 84 (1): 81–111.
Ward, Kevin. 2006. “Marching or Stumbling towards a Christian Ethic? Homosexuality and African Anglicanism.” In Other Voices, Other Worlds: The Global Church Speaks Out on Homosexuality, edited by Terry Brown, 129–41. New York: Church Publishing.
Ward, Kevin. 2013. “Religious Institutions and Actors and Religious Attitudes to Homosexual Rights: South Africa and Uganda.” In Human Rights, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in The Commonwealth: Struggles for Decriminalisation and Change, edited by Corinne Lennox and Matthew Waites, 409–27. London: School of Advanced Studies, University of London.
Ward, Kevin. 2014. “The Role of the Anglican and Catholic Churches in Uganda in Public Discourse on Homosexuality and Ethics.” Journal of Eastern African Studies 9 (1): 127–44.
Mombo, Esther. 2006. “Kenya Reflections.” In Other Voices, Other Worlds: The Global Church Speaks Out on Homosexuality, edited by Terry Brown, 142–53. New York: Church Publishing.
Ndzovu, Hassan J. 2016. “Un-Natural, Un-African and Un-Islamic: The Three Pronged Unslaught Undermining Homosexual Freedom in Kenya.” In Public Religion and the Politics of Homosexuality in Africa, edited by Adriaan van Klinken and Ezra Chitando, 78–91. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
Parsitau, Damaris. 2015. “Embodying Holiness: Gender, Sex and Bodies in a Neo-Pentecostal Church in Kenya - Body Talk and Cultural Identity in the African World.” In Body Talk and Cultural Identity in the African World, edited by Augustine Agwuele, 181–201. London: Equinox.
Parsitau, Damaris. 2019. “Violent Theologies, Women’s Bodies and the ‘Church Business’ in Kenya, The Elephant, 31 October.
Parsitau, Damaris. 2019. “Body Shaming in Prophet Owour’s Misogynistic Ministry Body Shaming in Prophet Owuor’s Misogynistic Ministry”, The Elephant, 21 November.
Parsitau, Damaris, and Adriaan van Klinken. 2018. “Pentecostal Intimacies: Women and Intimate Citizenship in the Ministry of Repentance and Holiness in Kenya.” Citizenship Studies 22 (6): 586–602.
van Klinken, Adriaan. 2019. Kenyan, Christian, Queer: Religion, LGBT Activism, and Arts of Resistance in Africa. University Park, PA: Penn State University Press.
van Klinken, Adriaan. 2016. “A Kenyan Queer Prophet: Binyavanga Wainaina’s Public Contestation of Pentecostalism and Homophobia.” In Christianity and Controversies over Homosexuality in Contemporary Africa, edited by Ezra Chitando and Adriaan van Klinken, 65–81. London and New York: Routledge.
Religious Leaders, Sexuality and Social Change
Bartelink, Brenda, and Erik Meinema. 2014. A mapping on sexuality, human rights and the role of religious leaders: exploring the potential for dialogue. Amsterdam: Knowledge Centre Religion and Development.
Byamugisha, Gideon, and Glen Williams. 2005. Positive Voices. Religious Leaders Living with or Personally Affected by HIV and AIDS. Oxford: Strategies for Hope Trust.
Mbote, David Kuria, Esther Mombo, Zablon Bundi Mutongu, Anthony Mkutu, Adam Ciarleglio & Theo G. M. Sandfort. 2021. "Facing Our Fears: The Impact of a 4-Day Training Intervention to Reduce Negative Perspectives on Sexual and Gender Minorities among Religious Leaders in Kenya", The Journal of Sex Research, DOI: 10.1080/00224499.2021.1908942
Mbote, David Kuria, Esther Mombo, Zablon Bundi Mutongu, Chris Alaro, Anthony Mkutu & Theo G. M. Sandfort. 2021. 'Religious Fundamentalism and Attitudes towards Sexual and Gender Minorities and Other Marginalized Groups among Religious Leaders in Kenya', Pastoral Psychology 70, 167-178.
Mbote, David Kuria, Theo G. M. Sandfort, Esther Waweru & Andrew Zapfel. 2018. "Kenyan Religious Leaders’ Views on Same-Sex Sexuality and Gender Nonconformity: Religious Freedom versus Constitutional Rights", The Journal of Sex Research, 55:4-5, 630-641,
Østebø, Marit Tolo, and Terje Østebø. 2014. “Are Religious Leaders a Magic Bullet for Social/Societal Change? A Critical Look at Anti-FGM Interventions in Ethiopia.” Africa Today. Vol. 60.