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Cathy about being queer and spiritual in Uganda


As part of its campaign, “This is my story, I am still human”, the Universal Coalition of Affirming Africans (UCAA) Uganda has launched this interview with Namara Catherine ("Cathy").

Cathy identifies as queer and is an LGBTQ+ human rights defender based in Western Uganda. Before she came out, she used to believe that she is being used by the devil as her church taught that all LGBTQ+ people are used by the devil. She fortunately has turned the corner now and believes that her being queer is how God designed her to be. Unfortunately, due too much hate messages from her former church, Cathy stopped going to church. Yet, she talks to God through individual fellowship.

Cathy calls up on members of the society to see LGBTQ+ people as human and for what they are able to contribute towards the development agenda of the country but not what their sexual orientation is or who they have sex with.

Please watch the interview here: